Sunrise At: 07:08 AM

Sunset At: 06:19 PM

Sunrise At: 07:08 AM

Sunset At: 06:19 PM

Volunteering Opportunities

JazakAllaah Khair for your interest in volunteering at the Islamic Center. We are always looking for volunteers to help us at the Islamic center for our day-to-day needs and for several of our ongoing projects. Our strength comes from individuals like yourself with diverse backgrounds and skills who can contribute to our center. Please fill the form below if you are interested in volunteering We will frequently update this page for volunteer opportunities.

  • You must be a registered member of MCNET general body to be able to volunteer. You can become a member online or stop by at the MCNET office to fill out the membership form.
  • The members of MCNET shall serve within the guidelines of MCNET constitution and report to the MCNET board.

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