Sunrise At: 07:39 AM

Sunset At: 05:41 PM

Sunrise At: 07:39 AM

Sunset At: 05:41 PM


The word Islam means “peace” and “submission to the will of God Almighty”. The message of Islam is very simple. It is the same basic message, which the other revealed religions had before Islam. (The Holy Qur’an 42:13) All the Prophets before Islam had a unified message of inviting people to one and only one God. The Holy Qur’an confirms this at several places that all Prophets of God including Prophet Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, David, Solomon, Moses and Jesus (Peace be upon all of them) submitted to the will of only one God. (The Holy Qur’an 2:131-132; 12:101; 10:84; 5:44; 5:111; 27:91; 22:78) They worshiped and invited people to worship only one God and told them not to associate any partners with Him. So basically they taught and preached Monotheism.

Allah says in the Holy Qor-aan: “Say, We believe in Allah and that is what is revealed to us, and what was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and their seed and that which was given to Moses and Jesus and what has been given to the other prophets, by their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, for we submit to Him.” The Holy Qur’an 2:136

Definition of a Muslim

  • A Muslim is a person who follows the teachings of Islam. He believes in the Oneness of God Almighty and worships only Him alone. He believes in all the Prophets of God including Abraham, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon all of them). He believes that Prophet Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him was the Last Messenger of God who brought God’s Final and Complete codex in the form of a Book, The Holy Qur’an (The Last Testament). A Muslim believes in all the Books sent previously from the God to His Prophets, namely The Torah (Sent to Prophet Moses [The Old Testament]), The Psalms (Zabur in Arabic) (Sent to Prophet David) and The Gospel (Injeel in Arabic) (Sent to Prophet Jesus [The New Testament]), peace be upon all of them.
  • A Muslim believes in being raised alive again after death and that there will be a Judgment Day and God will judge all mankind on that day. A Muslim believes in Heaven (Jannah) and Hell (Jahunnum). He believes in God’s Angels. He believes that the good or bad Fate lies with God.
  • A Muslim believes in the sanctity of life, equality of all people and freedom of religion.
  • Muslims try to live in peace with the Creator, themselves, their families, neighbors, fellow citizens, environment and world at large. Islam demands that Muslims live in peace and harmony anywhere in the world.
  • Muslims and Islam condemn violence, disruption in society and the terrorism in any form, by any people.
  • A Muslim can be of any color, race, nationality, language or ethnic background.