Sunrise At: 07:08 AM

Sunset At: 06:19 PM

Sunrise At: 07:08 AM

Sunset At: 06:19 PM

School Timings

School Starts at 11:30 am and finishes at 3:00 pm
Class From To
Class 1 11:30 AM 12:30 PM
Class 2 12:30 PM 1:30 PM
Lunch Break 1:30 PM 2:00 PM
Zuhr Prayer 2:00 PM 2:15 PM
Class 3 2:15 PM 3:00 PM

Arrival & Dismissal Policy

  • Teachers must arrive at 11:20 AM and students are required to arrive at 11:30 AM sharp.
  • Tardy slips will be given to students arriving late and two tardies will result in a call to the parents.
  • Students must be picked up by 3:15 pm at the latest. Students may not be dismissed until announcements are made.

Attendance Policy

  • Attendance is recorded. To maximize learning and minimize disruption, parents are required to inform the school of their child’s absence 24 hours in advance.
  • Two unexcused absences will result in a call to the parents and continual absences may affect registration for the following semester.
  • **Teachers must inform the school of their absence in advance and plan for a substitute to teach in their place.


  • The school shall provide juice and pizza, halal chicken tenders or halal hot dogs to all students. Calzones and tea are provided for all teachers.
  • Lunch is served in the basement. Younger classes start lunch ten minutes early (at 1:20 PM).
  • Our school has a no waste policy. Volunteers serving the food will help ensure that kids only take what they can eat.
  • Food is ordered in advance. It is important to inform the school of any absences earlier in the week to avoid wastage.
  • If anyone is interested in bringing something for their child’s class or the entire school, they are welcome to share so long as it is not part of a birthday celebration.

Student Requirements & Recommendations

  • Books, stationery and supplies are provided by the school and must be returned at the end of the year. Students must bring their books every Sunday. In case of loss or damage, the school will charge the parents for replacement copies.
  • Any materials checked out by teachers for their classrooms must be noted and returned promptly.
  • Use of Audio/Video in the classroom must be in accordance with the Islamic curriculum.
  • In case of any damage to the masjid property by students, the parents will be held liable.

Discipline/Student Behavior

To maintain an effective learning environment, the school administration will take the following steps in case of any insubordination.
Step 1 Verbal warning
Step 2 Call to the parents
Step 3 Suspension
Step 4 Expulsion
Note: Our school will not tolerate any bullying on campus.

Dress Code

We ask that parents ensure their students maintain a proper standard of dress, which displays respect for masjid’s etiquettes. As prayer is part of our school schedule, all students must be in attire that is fit for prayer.


Students are responsible for completing and submitting their assignments on time. If absent, they must make up any missed assignments.
To determine strengths/weaknesses and prioritize improvements, final exams are required. Exams will be administered at the end of every semester, in every class.
Teachers must schedule make-up tests for absent students and submit grades to the principal upon completion. Exams will be sent home for parents’ review.
Graduation is held at the end of every school year to show appreciation to our staff and students.

Personal Property

Students are required to keep their shoes on the shoe racks during prayer and keep track of their personal belongings during class times.
Use of phones in the classrooms is strictly prohibited.


The school has arranged for two state troopers for protection every Sunday. They are on the masjid premises from 11:15 AM to 3:15 PM. The main electronic gate closes at 11:35 AM for security reasons.
Note: Students are to maintain a respectable distance from these officers so they may do their job. They are NOT allowed to enter their vehicles or engage in casual conversation.

Health & Safety

Health & Safety of all of our students and staff is our utmost priority. We are lucky to have several physicians in our community. Many of them are teachers or volunteers at our Sunday school and are available during school hours to help out with any healthcare needs or treatment. ob. They are NOT allowed to enter their vehicles or engage in casual conversation.

Inclement Weather Policy

School closures are determined by those attending Sunday Fajr prayers at the Masjid. If road conditions are unsafe or there is a power outage, parents will receive a cancellation of school message via the ISNET WhatsApp group or via e-mail.