Sunrise At: 07:07 AM

Sunset At: 06:20 PM

Sunrise At: 07:07 AM

Sunset At: 06:20 PM

Articles of Faith (Imaan)


The word Imaan is derived from the Arabic verb A-ma-na, which means “to have total tranquility without even a trace of worry or fear.” Thus Imaan is such a belief in Allah and His Messenger that fills one’s heart and mind with peace. Proclaiming Imaan makes one a Muslim or a Believer.

Seven Articles of Faith (Imaan)

1. Believing In One Allah

Believing absolutely and firmly in The Tao-heed (Oneness). Believing that He is the One and Only God, the Creator of everything, the Almighty, and the All-Knowing. He has no son or daughter. He has no mother or father. He is the only one to be worshiped. He has no partners in His Kingdom. He is present everywhere and at all times. He is All-Forgiving and All-Merciful. This absolute belief in the Oneness of Allah is the basic essence of Islam. He created all of us and will raise us on the Day of Judgment.

2. Believing in All His Angels

Believing completely and in the existence of Ma-laa-e-kah (Angels). The Angels are the beings who are invisible to the human eye. They are created by Allah and are always obedient to Him. They are created from pure light.

3. Believing in All His Books

Believing completely and firmly in all the Books of Allah which include Torah, Psalms and Gospel and believing that The Holy Qur’an is His Complete and Last Book.

4. Believing in All The Prophets

Believing completely and firmly in all the Prophets of Allah. All Prophets of Allah were on the Right Path and free of sin. Their mission was to guide the people to the Right Path. Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him was the LAST Prophet. No other Messenger will come after him, and all mankind is required to follow him. Prophet Adam, Nooh, Abraham, Musa, David, Solomon and Jesus (Peace be upon all of them) were the Messengers of Allah. We believe them all and love them all.

5. Believing in the Day of Judgement

Believing completely that the Day of Judgment will surely arrive, and that on that Day the world will be brought to its end and everybody will die. On that Day, the Imaan (Faith) of all the people will be judged, and good reward will be given for the good deeds and the punishment for the bad deeds will be given by Allah. The people who did good deeds will go to Jannah (Paradise, Heaven) and the people who did bad deeds will go to Jahannam (Hell-fire) if Allah Wills.

6. Believing in the Fate (Destiny)

Destiny or Fate is called Qadr in Arabic language. Qadr is Allah’s Will. He knows everything that is hidden and is going to happen in future. Believing in Qadr means believing completely and firmly that the good and the bad fate is from Allah. We have to accept everything that happens to us. We should trust in Allah no matter what happens.

7. Believing in Raising Alive After Death

Believing that after we complete this life on this earth, Allah will bring us back to life for judgment of our good deeds and bad deeds. Those who did good deeds will be rewarded and those who did bad deeds will be held accountable before Him.